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Stop! Think! Protect! Common Sense Cyber Security Tips for the Whole Family

Stop! Think! Protect! Common Sense Cyber Security Tips for the Whole Family

Published: August 23, 2019

These cyber security tips, along with your own common sense, can help protect you and your family.

STOP / THINK / PROTECT: When receiving unsolicited or unexpected emails, remember:

  1. Stop! Stop before you click on any link or attachment.
  2. Think! Think is this from someone I would normally receive a link or attachment?
  3. Protect! Protect by verifying the validity of the email before clicking.

DO NOT TRUST ANYONE asking for your personal information, even from seemingly trusted sources like the IRS, FDIC or Social Security office. Your Bank and these organizations will never initiate contact asking for your personal information.

BE SURE TO INSTALL firewall security / anti-virus programs to your personal computer.

Please visit and click on Education & Tools for more helpful online security information.

If you think you’re a victim, visit: or call (855)292-3937


Social Media: Always assume every post/photo is on the Internet forever. Future employers will search online for character validation.

Gaming: Never give out personal info. to gaming network users/opponents. This information has been known to be used by pedophiles and pranksters.

Online quizzes and polls: Do not part take in seemingly innocent games that ask for personal info. such as your dog’s name, etc. These games are used to for social engineering.



Watch your posts… Don’t post details and pics that reveal too much, like vacation plans. Also remember, future employers will search these sites for character validation. Never post negatively about current or former employers.

Beware of… “Make Extra $$$ at Home” offers. Many of these jobs assist illegal activities!



Beware of…

  • Lottery/Inheritance scams: Anything unexpected or unsolicited is a HUGE RED FLAG. Beware of any winnings or “get rich” schemes that ask for personal information or ask you to pay money before obtaining your winnings.
  • Requests for money, especially w/ Western Union.
  • Pleas from young family members who appear to be stranded and need money. Even if they say not to contact their parents, do so first.



Check all inbound emails addresses carefully. They may appear to be from a legitimate source but on closer scrutiny may not be.

Beware of wire requests; carefully verify details if you need to send or are asked to wire funds.

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